Focus on Midland County
Midland County has a flooding history and the groundwork has been laid for meaningful flood mitigation. Midland County needs strong leadership to continue moving forward on this countywide priority.
Because Housing prices are skyrocketing, Midland County needs to prioritize finding ways to support family budgets through housing policy.
With cars and gas prices continually going up, a regional public transportation system for the tri-county area has become a necessity. Midland County should lead the way on regional public transportation.
The county needs to support Affordable Childcare through public policy and give relief to blue collar families. It makes no sense for a spouse to work if their entire income goes towards childcare costs.
Midland County can lead the way with a sensible wage policy for County workers. Fair negotiations during contact talks is true leadership.
Young people tend to leave Midland County for greener pastures. Fair wages, affordable housing and childcare will help, but Midland County also needs to set policy for business development and the jobs that will attract young people to the area.